Diabetes dieting plan #Diabetes

#Diabetes | In order to have success losing weight with type 2 diabetes you should create a diabetes weight loss plan. Generally speaking a diabetes diet plan can...
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Review after Portsmouth woman says she felt treated like dirt by mental health crisis call handler
#Crisis | A WOMAN seeking mental health help has complained to the Care Quality Commission after saying she felt ‘treated like dirt’.

Why juicing cruciferous vegetables are best and recipes to get started
#Recipes | The more greens you use, the better when you’re juicing. This is because fruits, while healthy, still pack the sugars which can counteract your weight loss.

Mediterranean diet
#MediterraneanDiet | The Mediterranean diet is based on the thought that eating food is more than just munching and crunching. The total experience of food involves taking...

Cure menopause symptoms
#Symptoms | Menopause begins twelve months after your last period. This happens when a female is no longer able to reproduce, at this point she is considered...


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